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Median XL Wiki
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Wyrmshot is an Amazon Bow devotion skill which fires a dragon spirit that bombards nearby enemies with projectiles.

In-game Description of Skill[]


Projectile - Fire a dragon spirit that bombards nearby enemies with spines
Requires a bow or crossbow

50% Weapon Damage
Attacks up to x targets
Target seek range: xx yards

Mana Cost: XX

+1 additional target per 2 base levels
Sun Strike: +0.6 yards targeting range per 2 base levels

Skill Stats[]


Skill Level Hard Skill Points Soft Skill Points
1 Attacks up to 3 targets

(Points in Sun Strike) Target seek range: 13.3 yards

5 Attacks up to 5 targets

(Points in Sun Strike) Target seek range: 14.6 yards

10 Attacks up to 8 targets

(Points in Sun Strike) Target seek range: 16.6 yards

15 Attacks up to 10 targets

(Points in Sun Strike) Target seek range: 18 yards

18 Attacks up to 12 targets

(Points in Sun Strike) Target seek range: 19.3 yards


Wyrmshot can be found on the following item:

  • Sacred Uniques
    • Dragonfly (SSSU Viper Bow, Oskill)




Median XL 2017

1.2 Reduced mana cost at level 1 by 40%
1.0 Initial range increased, range synergy reduced, damage increased, mana progression reworked
Older Versions
v001 Submissiles are now fire arrows instead of fire swords (?!).
v001 Skill renamed to Wyrmshot from Dragonforce. Reduced attack rate from 1 shot every 12 frames to 1 shot every 13 frames (not less damage, but more spacing between shots, extending range but potentially reducing concentrated dps).
Letter Versions
1.D9 Reduced submissile rate, but increased damage to match.
1.A9 PR Reduced attack rate from 5 to 3 shots per second.
1.A9 RC1 Range synergy now from Ghost Arrow; now gains +1 target per 2 levels to balance it against Barrage and Phalanx.
1.A9 Beta 4 Damage again 1/2, but dragons move 50% faster.
1.A9 Beta 3 Damage now 1/4.
1.A9 Beta 2 (Renamed to Dragonforce from Dragonstrike) Damage 1/2; starts at 2 targets; fixed incorrect excessive target description.
1.A9 Beta Skill was introduced. Replaces Wraith Arrow: fires a slow moving dragon that shoots spines at nearby enemies.