Talon's Hold is a Necromancer Support tree skill passive which slows down targets and reanimates them as Rathma Priests.
Talon's Hold Passive - Slows down targets and reanimates them as Rathma priests Reanimate as Rathma Priest: x% |
Skill Stats[]
Skill Level | Base Points | Soft Points |
1 |
The Talon's Hold skill does not spawn on any items.
Median XL 2017 | |
1.0 | Greatly improved the life, damage and AI of the reanimates. Increased the slow target gain per base level |
Older Versions | |
MXL Ultimative | |
v1->v5 | Highest reanimate chance is 10% down from 60%, to reduce lag if maxed. |
2012 | |
v005 | Reduced slow by 10% and reanimate chance by 5% at all levels. |
Omega | |
v001 | Now gives some slow from soft points, but also +1% per hard point. |
Median XL Alpha | |
012 | Now adds life on striking, increasing returns. |
011 | Spawned Rathma Priests now correctly have knockback again. |
005 | Spawned Rathma Priests can no longer cloak. |
001 | Skill was introduced. |