Defensive Harmony is a Amazon neutral tree Passive Skill that grants you "X"% chance of uninterruptible attack, while slowing your attackers.
In-game Description of Skill[]
Defensive harmony Passive - The gods protect you in battle, slowing your attackers |
NOTE: This description was last updated on 31/Oct/2017.
The defensive Harmony skill is not found on any items.
Older Versions | |
2012 | |
v001 | No longer slows enemies that swing at you and miss. |
Omega | |
v001 | Clarified effect. |
Letter Versions | |
1.Z9 | Swapped the location of Wings of Wrath and Defensive Harmony in the skill tree. |
Median 2008 | |
1.55 | Now gains 2% slow per level, down from 3%. |
1.53 | Now slows enemies that attack you, rather than hit you, and slows ranged attackers. |
1.42C | Slightly reduced slow thorns percentage, especially at high levels. |