Median XL Wiki
Median XL Wiki
Curare icon

Curare is an Amazon Reward skill which adds poison damage to the Amazon's attacks and increases her maximum poison resistance



Passive - Adds deadly poison to your weapon and increases your poison tolerance

Maximum Poison Resist: +3%
Poison Length reduced by +150%

Poison Damage to Weapon: xxx-xxx
over 2 seconds


The Curare skill can be found on following items:


Median XL 2017

1.2 Plague oSkill replaced with Curare on Last King of Scosglen set.

The Dragon's Star: Now spawns with +(2-3) to Curare instead of Rathma's Chosen

Older Versions
MXL Ultimative
XII Doubled damage per second, halved duration and decreased duration per level.
v005 Increased damage per second, reduced duration.
v001 Reduced poison length.
Letter Versions
1.Z9 Damage increased by 40%.
1.E9 prerelease Fixed the issue that either this or Plague is the 'weaker' one and therefore useless: now it has the same damage.
Number Versions
1.95 test 3 Fixed issue where level 1 did too much damage.
Median 2008
1.57BETA Replaces Champions of the Sun as an Amazon tree skill.