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All items (466)
- Balefire
- Bane
- Baneblade
- Banish
- Barrage
- Barrier Strike
- Batstrike
- Beacon
- Bear Claw Nova
- Bend the Shadows
- Black Lotus Strike
- Black Mass (legacy)
- Blade Barrier
- Bladestorm
- Blast Wave
- Blink
- Blood Flash
- Blood Fury
- Blood Hatred
- Bloodbath
- Bloodlust
- Bloodspeaker's Mark
- Bloodstar
- Bloodstorm
- Body of the Savior
- Boneyard
- Brimstone
- Broadside
- Burning Veil
- Call Leprechaun
- Call Treewarden
- Carnage
- Cataclysm
- Catalyst Trap
- Charged Strike
- Charm
- Cherubim
- Churel
- Cluster Bomb
- Cold Fear
- Colosseum
- Cone of Cold
- Conquest
- Countdown
- Crucify
- Cryo Beam
- Cyclone
- Dark Power
- Dead Wall Totem
- Death Blossom
- Death Coil
- Death of a God
- Death Shards
- Death Star
- Death's Fury Totem
- Deathgaze
- Deathlord
- Deathstrike
- Demiurge
- Demonic Charm
- Demonic Speed
- Devouring Cloud
- Disco Inferno
- Diseased Cattle
- Disintegrate
- Divine Judgment
- Dominate
- Doom
- Dragon Wyrms
- Dragon's Blessing
- Dragonheart
- Drakemaw
- Faerie Fire
- Fairy Ring
- Fear Bomb Totem
- Feral Strike
- Fire Cascade
- Fire Splash
- Flamefront
- Flamestrike
- Flametail Shot
- Flash
- Force Wall (legacy)
- Forked Lightning
- Fortress
- Fowl Fight
- Fragmentation Shot
- Freezing Gale
- Frigid Sphere
- Frostfire Wave
- Frozen Breath
- Frozen Crown
- Frozen Soul
- Funeral Pyre
- Fusillade