Banish is an oskill curse which reduces a target's maximum life by a percentage.
Banish Curse - Renders target vulnerable to magic and elemental damage |
Skill Stats[]
Skill Level | Base Points | Soft Points |
1 |
The Banish skill can be found on following items:
- Tiered Uniques
- Brainhack (Hand Axe, Proc)
- Mooncurse (Maiden Javelin, Proc)
- Nightscape (Lamellar Armor, Proc)
- Sacred Uniques
- Starmaiden (SSU Throwing Knife, Proc)
- The Dragon's Star (SSU Angel Star, Proc)
- Spellbreaker (SSU Studded Leather, Proc)
- Hammerfist (SSU Heavy Gloves, Proc)
- Hooves of the Thunderhorse (SSU Boots, Oskill)
- Set Items
- The Warmage (4 or more set items bonus, Oskill)
- Runewords
- Curse (Bows, Proc)
- Aether (Necromancer Crossbows, Proc)
- Pulsa Dinura (Belts, Proc)
- Morthwyrtha (Barbarian Helms, Oskill)
- Crafted / Magic / Rare Items
- +(1 to 3) to Banish on Sorceress Body Armor
- 1% Ctc lvl 6 Banish on Striking on Amulets
Older Versions | |
Median 2008 | |
1.56 | Stormshadow now grants oskill Banish. |
Median 2 | |
1.14 | Changed to diminishing returns, weakened overall. |
0.7 Beta | Changed 'Banish' to decrease monster max hit points by a percentage. |